Princeton University Leads with Academic Excellence and Generous Financial Aid. Princeton University is a private, coeducational, nondenominational research university located in Princeton, New Jersey. One of eight universities of the Ivy League, it is the fourth-oldest university in the United States..
Fall 2016 Headcounts (Unduplicated Student Counts)
Student/Faculty ratio
2016-2017 Undergraduate Tuition, Room, & Board
Number of Programs Offered
Major That interest me
One major that intrest from princeton College is that MECHANICAL & AEROSPACE ENGINEERING i am mostly a hand on person so i feel like by me working on
Organization that Im intresed in!!
Pros & Cons on HVU
Why did I choose this college ?
The reason why I choose this college is because i haer alot about how good It is i har alot about it even on Tv so i decide to check out it out for my self